Feasibility Reports of Various Engineering based Projects

A feasibility study is an engineering study based on engineering analysis, which presents enough information to determine whether or not the project should be advanced to the final engineering and production/construction stage, our feasibility studies identify significant risks facing of  project, consider all viable options for achieving of project’s objectives, and consider alternative project scopes in order to provide  the best value solution.

With our feasibility studies and conceptual engineering services, we evaluate the project’s potential for success and chart the best path forward.  Considerations include land acquisition, permitting, materials, environmental resources and construction costs. Our detailed services define the project requirements and the project costs, providing the information you need to make key decisions.


The consequences of not performing a feasibility study are project delays and costs, including lost opportunity costs. Experience has shown that skipping the feasibility study does not save time and money, because issues that should have been identified early in the process are not found, creating delays while these issues are analyzed and addressed, which results in increased costs.

Stream.           Railway Projects

                        Highway Projects

                        Water Supply Projects

                        Sewage projects

                        Mining Projects

                        Urban development